Currency Converter

Use our live currency converter below to see exactly how much your overseas payment would cost right now.

Our currency converter shows real customer FX rates for sending an international payment. These are the rates that our customers are transacting at right now.  They include the transfer fee and there are no more costs.

The rates are based on the live mid-market rate, which updates every second.  We apply our costs to that rate.

When you use the converter and get a result, you will see there is a box marked “Your Margin %”. This is the difference between the mid-market and your rate. In other words, our profit.

The margin % decreases as the size of transaction increases, but it is the same for every customer.

The currency market moves rapidly, so if you want to compare our prices  with another provider, make sure you are comparing the margin % (cost) and not just the rate or total amount.  

Live Currency Converter 

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Our currency converter shows real customer FX rates for sending an international payment. These are the rates that our customers are transacting at right now.

They include the transfer fee and there are no more costs.

The rates are based on the live mid-market rate, which updates every second.  We apply our costs to that rate.

When you use the converter and get a result, you will see there is a box marked “Your Margin %”. This is the difference between the mid-market and your rate. In other words, our profit.

The margin % decreases as the size of transaction increases, but it is the same for every customer.

The currency market moves rapidly, so if you want to compare our prices  with another provider, make sure you are comparing the margin % (cost) and not just the rate or total amount.